Why Students play in Band

Our graduates find that participation in music throughout their time at SAHS is special.  Below, you will find their comments and a copy of their schedule that shows how they made music a part of their lives while at Stillwater Area HS.

“The band room is always a place that a lot of us gravitate towards; a lot of us are there before school starts, we eat lunch there, we meet there after school. Band kind of forced a sense of community which becomes really nice to come back to after a long day at school. Music classes drive you to refocus and recenter your day in the best way possible. For me, I can get really bogged down in thinking in way that is promoted traditional classes and band breaks that mold and forces me to think in a different way which ultimately helps my brain recalibrate. But there is also the side of band that is simply fun. Sometimes you play a piece that you really CANNOT get out of your head, and you love it. That’s what makes music worth it; you get to escape from your head or school for an hour a day and make something amazing with all your friends.” Amy Longtin, Flute, Class of 2019

Amy’s Schedule

“Having an art class for me has been a way to relieve stress and get out of the traditional classroom environment for at least an hour a day. Music as an art is particularly good for this as making good music in an ensemble requires your full, undivided attention.”  Hannah Sween, Flute, Class on 2019

Hannah’s Schedule

“I love making music, especially with such amazing and talented musicians that are at Stillwater. In my case, I was balancing a lot of athletic activities with rigorous schedules, and band was always very accommodating for my busy day. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to play at such a high level at some of the most esteemed music halls in the nation, and having such wonderful and enlightened directors to lead equally incredible bands.”  Josh Stivland, Tuba, Class of 2018

Josh’s Schedule

“Up until high school, the main reason I stayed in band was simply because it was fun. Band is definitely still fun now but it has also proven to be an instrumental (pun intended) break in my day. With the added stress of AP classes and demanding extracurriculars, I do not think I would be able to excel in highschool without band in the middle of my day to take my mind off of formulas and essays for an hour. If I have a strenuous test 4th hour I can push through it knowing that I have an hour of music-making with friends the next hour!” Cat Clements, French Horn, Class of 2018

Cat’s Schedule

“I have learned so much through music: how to listen, how to contribute, how to lead, and so much more. Having music in my average day allows me to use my mind in a wholly different way. I also love that I get to create something beautiful with a large group of people.”   Maia Carter, Bassoon, Class of 2017

Maia’s Schedule

“I love to create. There’s something about making art where nothing was before that really appeals to me, and that’s why I’ve sought out ways to create. The school offers so many wonderful opportunities for being creative, and I had to take advantage of those opportunities. Why let them go to waste when you can use them to have so much more beauty and emotion in your life?”  Julia Kobilka, Trumpet, Class of 2017

Julia’s Schedule

“When I walk into the band room fifth hour, it’s truly a breath of fresh air. It is an amazing break that a lot of people need throughout the hectic day-to-day events that a lot of us experience. Band has given me some of my best friends in the entire world, and getting to create such amazing music with so many of my talented peers that also happen to be my closest friends is such an awesome gift that often goes underappreciated.”  Brian Jaap, Clarinet, Class of 2017

Brian’s Schedule

“I love making music, especially with such amazing and talented musicians that are at Stillwater. In my case, I was balancing a lot of athletic activities with rigorous schedules, and band was always very accomodating for my busy day. I will always be grateful for the opportunity to play at such a high level at some of the most esteemed music halls in the nation, and having such wonderful and enlightened directors to lead equally incredible bands.” Josh Stivland, Tuba, Class of 2017

Josh’s Schedule

“Having music in my everyday life has taught me so much. It gives my brain a break from all the academic learning to be able to use my brain in a more creative way. Being in music taught me perseverance, and fostered my self-expression. It also helped me with my activities as I am in dance and synchronized swimming both involving music and counting. Music has also given me a sense of achievement as I have gotten through pieces I never thought I could. I have met some of my good friends in the band and orchestra throughout my years playing. I can honestly say that my high school experience would not have been the same without being part of the music program.”  Grace Gualtieri, Clarinet, Class of 2017

Grace’s Schedule

“The music classes at Stillwater Area High School are completely unique to the other classes that the school has to offer. Not only does it exercise a different part of the brain, but it also allows students to learn in a more enjoyable and driven way. Honestly, there is no better feeling than putting every ounce of energy you have left into the success of a concert and then getting a standing ovation at the end. It is incredible! The music department has taught me so much and it is an experience that will stick with me for the rest of my life because I have been able to apply what I learn in class to nearly every situation I encounter.”  Haley Tholen, Flute, Class of 2017

Haley’s Schedule

“It’s super fun and it gives you an opportunity to express yourself in a different way. Playing an instrument also helps take your mind off of all your other commitments even if it’s only for a little bit. Mr. Lindsay is also very accommodating to everyone’s schedules. He’s never had a problem with me having to leave early for a cross country meet or arriving a little late to a rehearsal or call for a concert because of sports either.”  Claire Patterson, French Horn, Class of 2017

Claire’s Schedule

“I have chosen to stay in band throughout High School because it offers a way to challenge myself on a daily basis and work together with my peers. It is also really nice to have a teacher who knows how to bring energy into class. I also simply enjoy music and band has offered many great experiences. Band is unlike any other class I have had and is a good way to break up the day.”  Sam Payne, Trumpet, Class of 2017

Sam’s Schedule