Student Leadership

Leadership opportunities are available to this students displaying strong dedication to the continued success of the Stillwater Band program. For these students, the opportunity for leadership is a natural outgrowth of their strong musical participation and maturity as an individual.

Librarians – Two students from each band and one student from each Jazz Band will be chosen to handle the filing and sorting of the music used by the Stillwater Bands. Any student needing music will need to contact the ensemble librarians for replacement parts.

Equipment Managers – Students will be chosen to organize and manage all rehearsal room and stage equipment as well as assist with locker and inventory tracking. EMs will be responsible for stage management during all performances and will be responsible for any creative staging of musical compositions. Prerequisites include creativity, organizational ability, and dedication to the band program.

Band Council – These students are elected by the students to be a direct voice of the bands at large. They are responsible for coordinating fundraisers, social events, and special opportunities for the band. All ensembles will elect their own representatives. The Band Council is lead by the Co-Presidents of the Wind Symphony.